Weeknotes for 9th December 2019 – 15th December 2019

Fàilte agus tapadh leibh, a charaid!

This one’s a little late, but it’s finally here; another #weeknotes report! This week was a different one for me as it was focused on learning rather than building.

SEPA Visit

On Monday and Tuesday, a group of us from NatureScot went to visit one of our sister agencies, SEPA, as they’ve just released three new applications.

They’ve developed these applications following the Digital First Service Standard and as we’re about to build and release our own applications under it’s successor, the Digital Scotland Service Standard, we were interested in discovering any lessons they had learned along the way. It was a really useful visit and we left with a lot to think about and to take in to our planning sessions.

Tha thu sgoinneil! Is toil leam cèic agus cofaidh.

The rest of the week, as if you couldn’t guess, has been taken up with learning Gaelic with Duolingo. The Daily Gael set up a campaign back in February to get Duolingo to support Gaelic learners with a course, and in November they went live. Ever since, I’ve been logging in everyday to get my practice in. Hopefully, I’ll soon be able to impress my office mates from Bòrd na Gàidhlig at the tea point with a bit of “Am bu toil leat cofaidh?”


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