#NewMusicMonday – Cheap Dirty Horse, The Masochists and a (dis)honourable mention
This week’s #NewMusicMonday is all about punk, politics and protest in the UK. We’re gearing up for a General Election, where the incumbent blue coloured right-wing party will be ousted by a red coloured right-leaning party; plus ça change…
STM32 to Blinky with Rust – Part 1 – Hardware – STM32F407G-DISC1
For around £20 you can buy a development board with an Arm Cortex M4 and some peripherals including an accelerometer, microphone, DAC, and USB OTG port. This documents my attempt to get a rust toolchain installed, connect the debugger and confirm it can see the ARM chip, ready for programming.
#NewMusicMonday – Alkanes, Broadsea & PaperSailor
In an effort to “be the change [I] want to see”, I’m going to do my best to share my own #NewMusicMonday choices with the fediverse every week, and see if I can’t find some likeminded folks. This week it’s albums and EPs from Alkanes, Broadsea and PaperSailor.
Data loss: A blind-spot in my backup strategy
Last week I suffered a catastrophic disk failure, leaving my 1TB NVMe drive completely unreadable. Luckily I have backups, I thought.
Stacking Loyalty Schemes for Extra Discounts
This post is very “Guardian Reader” of me, and for that I apologise in advance. One morning I found myself absent mindedly reading the back of my yogurt pot whilst eating my breakfast. This yogurt was made by Yeo Valley Organic and was advertising some kind of loyalty scheme called “Yeokens”. I’d never really thought…
What is Gregg Wallace doing?
Based on his published schedule in the Torygraph which was then ridiculed on social media, my latest web app will tell you exactly what Gregg Wallace is doing at any time.
The Greg or Ian Calendar
My silliest web app to date, The Greg or Ian Calendar. A web app with an integrated iCal feed so you will always know whether today is a Greg or Ian day!